Oyuki Hayde Hermosillo-Reyes
Unidad Académica de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería,
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit,
Tepic, Nay. 63155, MEXICO.
Title: The group of permutations of 3-cucas, some properties
A 3-cuca is a triplet
, where
is a graph embedded in the
2-sphere with three faces,
, each one homeomorphic to a 2-disc; each face
has an even number of
; also there is one bisector on
each face; finally
is a reflection along the
bisector. We also require that
The set of 3-cucas are interesting for they code all non-splittable 3-bridge links.
We will define, and give facts about diagrams and several groups
associated to 3-cucas;
for example, the groups generated by the three permutations of order two,
, induced by the reflections above,
which contain information of how the bridges of the associated link
are placed. Or, say, the number of orbits of
, give the
number of components of the associated link.
These different permutation groups give topological information about the link
encoded by a 3-cuca.