School on Knot Theory and 3-Manifolds |
Conference Place:
All talks will take place at the "Auditorio José Ángel Canavati" in Cimat.
Financial aid:
There will be support for a limited number of students who want to
attend the conference. The support will consist of a shared room in
Cimatel plus the registration fee. Preference will be given to
graduate students in Topology. To ask for support please write to
mailto: Mario Eudave-Muñoz,
including all your academic information. The
deadline for request of support is November 15th, 2012.
If you plan to attend the Conference, we would appreciate that you
e-mail us. To do this please send a message
to mailto: Mario Eudave-Muñoz, including
your name, address, affiliation, position (Professor/Student/Other).
The deadline for full registration (including
lunch at CIMAT and the Conference Party) is November 15th, 2012.
Conference Fee:
The conference fee is US$80 (eighty US dollars). This will be paid in cash at the registration. The fee covers registration, lunch at Cimat, conference party, conference materials, coffee-break and refreshments. Students are not exempt from the registration fee. There is a registration fee for accompanies only if those will take lunch at Cimat or attend the conference reception.
Conference Party:
On Wednesday afternoon, starting at lunchtime, there will be a party which will include lunch, drinks? dancing, and...
Weather: It is usually warm during daylight but
it may be cool in evenings.
Exchange Rate:
The current rate is around $14.00 Mexican
pesos for $1 USD.
Please address all the correspondence
regarding the conference to
mailto: Mario Eudave-Muñoz.
* Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM
* Posgrado en Ciencias Matemáticas, UNAM
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