Realizo investigación basica y aplicada en Ecuaciones Diferenciales, Análisis Funcional, Analísis Numérico y Mecánica Fraccionaria.
Algunas publicaciones:
- Hernandez-Dueñas, G., Moreles, M. A., Gonzalez-Casanova, P. (2023). Bathymetry and friction estimation from transient velocity data for one-dimensional shallow water flows in open channels with varying width. Physics of Fluids, 35(2).
- Perez, F., Moreles, M.A., Morales-Barcenas, J.H., 2021. Ocean surface radial velocity imaging in the AT-INSAR velocity bunching model. A functional approach. Radio Science.
- Vargas, P., Moreles, M.A., Peña, J. et al. Estimation and SVM classification of glucose-insulin model parameters from OGTT data: a comparison with the ADA criteria. Int J Diabetes Dev Ctries (2020).\\
- E. Fregoso, A. Palafox, M. A. Moreles: Initializing Cross-Gradients Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data with a Bayesian Surrogate Gravity Model; Pure Appl. Geophys. (2019).\\
- M. A. Moreles, R. Lainez: Mathematical modelling of fractional order circuit elements and bioimpedance applications; Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 46 (2017): 81-88.
- A. Guerrero, M. A. Moreles.: On the numerical solution of the eigenvalue problem in fractional quantum mechanics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 46, 20(2), 604-613. (2015)
- M. A. Moreles, J. Peña, S. Botello, R. Iturriaga: On modeling flow in fractal media form fractional Continuum Mechanics and Fractal geometry; Transport in Porous Media: Volume 99, Issue 1, Page 161-174\\ DOI: 10.1007/s11242-013-0179-1 (2013)
- M. A. Capistran, M. A. Moreles, B. Lara: Parameter Estimation of Some Epidemic Models. The Case of Recurrent Epidemics Caused by Respiratory Syncytial Virus; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; (2009) 71; 1890-1901; 10.1007/s11538-009-9429-3
- M. A. Moreles, R. Vazquez, F. Avila: The differential system method for parameter identification; unconfined aquifer case; Computacional Geosciences \textbf{IF 1.807} ; Vol. 8, No. 3; pp 235-253. (Jan 2005)
- M. A. Moreles. Exact Controllability and Perturbation Analysis for Elastic Beams; Applied Mathematics and Optimization; Vol. 49, No. 3. pp. 201-216. (May 2004)
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