
/buildFiles to build FEMT library, tools, GiD problemtypes and examples
/iccFor the Intel compiler
/gccFor the GNU compiler collection (GCC)
/Visual StudioFor using with Visual C++ NMake (2008, 2010 and 2012 Professional)
/Visual Studio 2008For Visual C++ 2008 (Professional)
/gidFiles needed to install problem types
/examplesGeometries and problems to be used with GiD
/problemtypesProblem types. These must be installed into the GiD problemtypes directory
/Coloring.gidProblem type for testing coloring algorithms
/ElectricPotential.gidSolution of electrostatic and capacitance matrix problems
/Heat.gidTo solve heat difussion problems (stationary and dynamic)
/Partitioning.gidFor testing domain partitioning
/Solid.gidSolution of linear solid deformations (stationary and dynamic)
/scriptsSample scripts for running the problemtypes
/sourceSource code for FEMT library, tools, GiD problemtypes and examples
/BasicClasses for debugging, exceptions, memory allocation, logs, time
/CommunicationMPI class for sending and receiving data
/ContainerContainers for full and sparse matrices, vectors, lists, sets, vectors
/ExamplesContainers for full and sparse matrices, vectors, lists, sets, vectors
/EqnSolverExampleTesting programs to call EqnSolver
/FEMSolverExampleTesting programs to call FEMSolver and FEMSolver.MPI
/FileClasses to handle files
/FiniteElementClasses and routines to assemble systems, load geometries, calculate shape functions and integration rules
/GiDProblemTypesProblem types to be used with GiD
/ColoringIncludes source code for Coloring problem type
/ElectricPotentialSource code for ElectricPotential problem type
/HeatIncludes source code for Heat problem type and Heat.MPI
/PartitioningSource code for Partitioning problem type
/SolidIncludes source code for Solid problem type and Solid.MPI
/MathMath classes (probability distributions and parser for formulas
/METISMETIS library for partitioning and graph reordering
/SolverSolver routines for full and sparse matrices: conjugate gradiente, biconjugate gradient, Cholesky, LU
/ToolsSource code of tools
/DiffProgram to calculate the difference between two postprocess files
/EqnSolverTool to solve sparse systems of equations, data is interchanged using pipes
/FEMSolverDesigned to solve finite element problems, data is interchanged using pipes
/MatSolverThis program loads MatLab-4 files with sparse systems of equations and solve them
/toolsAll tools binaries are put here

Log level

0Only log fatal errors
1Step messages