The topological complexity of non-$k$-equal spaces


The non-k-equal spaces are a type of generalization of configuration spaces where we allow less than k collisions or equalities in the coordinates of n-tuples. In this talk, I will describe the techniques for finding the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category and topological complexity for non-k-spaces over n-tuples of real numbers. Also, some conjectures about extending these results for the case of k parabolic arrangements will be presented.

ene. 10, 2024 5:30 PM — 6:00 PM
Edicio Central UADY
José Luis León Medina
José Luis León Medina
Investigador Posdoctoral CONAHCYT

Mis intereses en investigación se centran en el campo de la topología algebraica, en particular propiedades homotópicas como la complejidad topológica.