José Luis León Medina

José Luis León Medina

CONAHCYT Postdoctoral Researcher


I am a postdoctoral researcher working in the CIMAT-Mérida’s Algebraic Topology Group since 2022. Before that, in 2022, I got my Ph.D. from the CINVESTAV research center in Mexico under the supervision of Jesús González where I worked on the topological complexity of non-$k$-equal spaces, a kind of generalization of configuration spaces.

My current research focuses on describing homotopical properties of complements of real subspace arrangements like their topological complexity and their cohomology groups. I am also interested in applications of algebraic topology like the interactions between algebraic topology and deep learning. My research is founded by CONAHCYT grant CBF2023-2024-4059: “Interacciones topológico-computacionales”.

I am a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers (SNII), level candidate since 2023.

Download my CV.

  • Algebraic Topology
  • Homotopy Theory
  • Topological Complexity
  • Discrete Morse Theory
  • Applied Algebraic Topology
  • PhD in Mathematics, 2022


  • MSc in Mathematics, 2018


  • BSc in Mathematics, 2016





Mathematics Professor
Feb 2020 – Jan 2022 Mexico

Courses taught:

  • Linear Algebra, Probability (Fall 2021)
  • Linear Algebra, Probability, Calculus, Vector Calculus, Differential Equations (Spring 2021)
  • Numerical Analysis, Calculus, Probability and Statistics for engineering, Introduction to Complex Analysis (Fall 2020)
  • Linear Algebra, Probability, Numerical Analysis (Spring 2020)


(2024). The rational (non-)formality of the non-3-equal manifolds. arXiv.

Cite DOI

(2022). On Lusternik–Schnirelmann category and topological complexity of non-k-equal manifolds. Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures.

Cite DOI

(2021). Linear motion planning with controlled collisions and pure planar braids. Homology, Homotopy and Applications.

Cite DOI

(2020). Homotopy type of skeleta of the flag complex over a finite vector space and generalized Galois numbers. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology.

Cite DOI
