I am a postdoctoral researcher working in the CIMAT-Mérida’s Algebraic Topology Group since 2022. Before that, in 2022, I got my Ph.D. from the CINVESTAV research center in Mexico under the supervision of Jesús González where I worked on the topological complexity of non-$k$-equal spaces, a kind of generalization of configuration spaces.
My current research focuses on describing homotopical properties of complements of real subspace arrangements like their topological complexity and their cohomology groups. I am also interested in applications of algebraic topology like the interactions between algebraic topology and deep learning. My research is founded by CONAHCYT grant CBF2023-2024-4059: “Interacciones topológico-computacionales”.
I am a member of the Mexican National System of Researchers (SNII), level candidate since 2023.
Download my CV.
PhD in Mathematics, 2022
MSc in Mathematics, 2018
BSc in Mathematics, 2016
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