
16PSE01-2019: Secure Programming

See the course description: Link

2019 Edition

This section is offered in 2019, and it's an official module for the Security line of research in the Master of Software Engineering at CIMAT.

The course is offered in fast-track, 3 weeks, four sessions per week of 4 hours, and a short snack break in the middle of each session.


  • Start: 2019-02-11
  • End: 2019-03-01

No lecture

  • 2019-02-22


  • Aula 1


  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10:00-14:00

Calendar 2019

  1. (Feb-11) General intro to the course
  2. (Feb-11) Modern viruses
  3. (Feb-12) Vulnerabilities + Review C/C++
  4. (Feb-14) PRNG + Modes of operation
  5. (Feb-15) RC4 + Hash: SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, BLAKE2
  6. (Feb-18) HMAC + Digital Signature
  7. (Feb-19) RSA + Diffie-Hellman
  8. (Feb-21) ECC
  9. (Feb-21) Various algorithms
  10. (Feb-25) Efficient Programming
  11. (Feb-26) TLS in mobile devices
  12. (Feb-28)
  13. (Mar-01) Student presentations
  14. (Mar-01) Project presentation
  15. (Mar-01) Written exam

Essay options (talk)

  1. Meltdown and Spectre

Projects (Pick one on first served basis)

  1. Password Manager
  2. Secure photo storage
  3. Digital document storage
  4. How to sign a source code repository

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