
16PSE01-2018: Secure Programming

See the course description: Link

2018 Edition

This section is offered in 2018, and it's an official module for the Security line of research in the Master of Software Engineering at CIMAT.

The course is offered in fast-track, 8 weeks, two sessions per week of 3 hours, and there will be a short snack break in the middle of each session.


  • Start: April 9th
  • End: May 24th


  • Monday: 10:00-13:00
  • Thursday: 10:00-13:00

Calendar 2018

  1. (04/09) General intro to the course
  2. (04/12) Modern viruses
  3. (04/16) Vulnerabilities + Review C/C++
  4. (04/19) PRNG + Modes of operation
  5. (04/23) RC4 + Hash: SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, BLAKE2
  6. (04/26) HMAC
  7. (04/30) RSA + Diffie-Hellman
  8. (05/03) Student presentations + TLS
  9. (05/07) ECC
  10. (05/10) Pairings
  11. (05/14) Authentication
  12. (05/17) TBA (other not presented student talk)
  13. (05/21) Project presentation
  14. (05/24) Written exam

Essay options (talk)

Talk on the round 1 submissions of the NIST Postquantum Cryptography Standarization process

  2. BIKE
  3. Classic McEliece
  4. Compact LWE
  5. DAGS
  6. DME
  8. FrodoKEM
  9. Gravity-SPHINCS
  10. HQC
  11. LAKE
  12. LIMA
  13. NewHope
  14. NTRUEncrypt
  15. pqNTRUSign
  17. NTRU Prime
  18. Picnic
  19. qTESLA
  20. SABER
  21. SIKE
  22. SPHINCS+
  23. Otros

Projects (Pick one on first served basis)

  1. Any of the previous schemes from scratch.

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