
Mathematics for Computer Science

  • This is a mandatory course to enter into the Master of Software Engineering Program at CIMAT.


Great Computer Scientists that are good on mathematics say it is very important for doing proper Computer Science. Great Computer Scientists that are not good on mathematics say it is not very important for doing proper Computer Science.

Computer Science is not mathematics in the sense that not every area requires a formalization, in many areas there are required some computations. These could be trivial or very complex. There are high-end Computer Science Research in Mathematics Laboratories, and high-end Mathematics Research in Computer Science Laboratories.

The Master Degree in Software Engineering looks up to train professionals in many areas: Software Engineering, Cryptography, Information Security, Robotics, Computer Vision, Applied Statistics, etc. Hence, a broad range of knowledge in different areas of the mathematics is required.


At the end of the course, the student would be able to understand basic mathematics concepts required in Computer Science.

Specific Objectives

  1. Understand basic mathematic concepts
  2. Understand basic statistics concepts
  3. Program mathematical computations


  • This course is offered yearly
  • Videoconference support is available on request
  • There will be practice tests, a final project, and a written exam
  • Some years this module is jointly offered with other professors which may include additional topics, grades are divided by the time used by each lecturer.


  1. Definitions
    1. Number types
    2. Theorem, Lemma, etc.
    3. Sets
    4. Probability
    5. Information Theory
    6. Complexity Theory
  2. Algorithmics
    1. Divisibility
    2. Congruencies
    3. Factorization
  3. Vector Spaces and Matrices
    1. Vector Spaces
    2. Matrices


No. Concept Porcentage
1 Exam 40
2 Exercises 30
3 Project 30
# Total 100


  • Email delivery to luis.dominguez
  • Pack your homework and name the file appropriately:
  • Time delivery is at mid-night of the day, 10% penalty per delayed day
  • No plagiarism
  • Include bibliography
  • Add documentation in LNCS format to your homework:
    • For the final program, the report must be 4 pages + bib
    • For minor programs, 2-5 pages + bib

Sections available



  1. Slide 1
  2. Slide 2
  3. Slide 3
  4. Slide Req

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