Personal website of José Alfredo López-Mimbela

Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
Apartado Postal 402, 36000 Guanajuato, Mexico
Phone: +52 473 7327155
Fax: +52 473 7325749
e-mail: jalfredo at
- Gorostiza, L.G.; López-Mimbela, J.A. The multitype
measure branching process, Advances in Applied Probability, 22
(1990), 49-67.
- López-Mimbela, J.A. Fluctuation
limits of multitype branching random fields, Journal of Multivariate
Analysis, 40 (1992), 56-83.
- Gorostiza, L.G.; López-Mimbela, J.A. The demographic variation
process of multitype branching random fields, Journal of Multivariate
Analysis, 41 (1992), 102-116.
- Gorostiza, L.; López-Mimbela, J.A. A convergence criterion
for measure-valued processes, and application to continuous superprocesses, Progress in Probability , 32 (1993), 62-71.
- Gorostiza, L.G.; López-Mimbela, J.A. An occupation time
approach for convergence of measure-valued processes, and the death
process of a branching system, Statistics & Probability Letters , 21
(1994), 59-67.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger, A. Clumping in Multitype Branching Trees, Advances in Applied
Probability 28 (1996), 1051-1071.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Torres, A. Intrinsic
ultracontractivity and blowup of a semilinear Dirichlet
boundary value problem, Aportaciones Matemáticas, Notas de Investigación 14 (1998), 283-290.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger, A. Length of Galton-Watson
trees and blow up of semilinear systems, Journal of Applied
Probability 35 (1998), 802-811.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger, A. A Probabilistic Proof of
Non-explosion of a Non-linear PDE System, Journal of Applied
Probability 34 (2000), 635-641.
- Birkner, M.; López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger,
A. Blow-up
of semilinear PDE's. A probabilistic approach, Proc. Am. Math.
Society 30 (2002), No. 8, 2431-2442.
- Birkner, M.; López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger,
A. Comparison
results and steady states for the Fujita equation with fractional Laplacian, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Analysis 22,
Issue 1, January-February 2005, Pages 83-97.
- Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela, J.A.; Villa, J. Occupation
measure and local time of classical risk processes, Insurance Math. Econom. 37 (2005), no. 3, 573-584.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Privault, N. Blowup and stability of semilinear PDE's with gamma generators, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
307 (2005), no. 1, 181-205.
- Kolev, N.; Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela,
J.A. Joint
probability generating function for a vector of arbitrary indicator
variables,, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 186 (2006), no. 1,
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Villa, J. Local
time and Tanaka formula for a multitype
Dawson-Watanabe superprocess, Math. Nachr. 279 (2006), no. 15, 1695-1708.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Pérez, A. Finite
time blow up and stability of a semilinear
equation with a time dependent Lévy generator, Stoch.
Models 22 (2006), no. 4, 735-752.
- Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela, J.A. Critical exponents of semilinear equations via the Feynman-Kac formula, Pliska Stud. Math.
Bulgar. 18(2007), 165-182.
- Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela, J.A.; Pérez, A. Blowup
and life span bounds for a reaction-diffusion equation with a
time-dependent generator, Electron.
J. Diff. Eqns. ,
Vol. 2008 (2008), No. 10, pp. 1-18.
- Chakraborty, S.; López-Mimbela, J.A. Non-Explosion of a class
of semilinear equations via branching particle
Adv. in Appl. Probab.
40 (2008), no. 1, 250-272.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Murillo, A. Law of
Large Numbers for the Occupation Time of an Age-dependent Branching
ALEA: Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
6 (2009), 115-131.
- Dozzi, M.; López-Mimbela, J.A. Finite-Time Blowup and
Existence of Global Positive Solutions of a Semi-Linear SPDE, Stochastic Processes
and their Applications 120 (2010), 767-776.
- Kevei, P.; López-Mimbela, J.A. Critical Multitype Branching Systems: Extinction Result, Electronic Journal of Probability Vol.
16 (2011), Paper no. 50, pages 1356-1380.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Privault, N. Large time behavior of
reaction-diffusion equations with Bessel generators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 383
(2011), 560-572.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Wakolbinger, A. Which critically
branching populations persist?, Classical and Modern
Branching Processes. Editores: K. Athreya and P. Jagers.
Springer Lecture Note Series of the Institute for Applied Mathematics,
Minneapolis, 1996.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Villa, J. Existence
of self-intersection local time of the multitype
Dawson-Watanabe superprocess, Contemporary
Mathematics 336 (2003), 213-224.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Villa, J. Super-Brownian
local time: a representation and two applications, J. Math. Sciences (NY) 121,
No. 5 (2004), 2653-2663.
- López-Mimbela, J.A. Branching
particle representation of a class of semilinear
Pliska Stud. Math. Bulgar.
16 (2004), 101-119.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Privault, N. Critical exponents for semilinear PDEs with bounded potentials, Seminar on
Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications. Dalang, R.C., Dozzi, M.,
Russo, F. (Eds.), Progress
in Probability 59 (2008), 243-260.
- Chakraborty, S; Kolkovska,
E.T.; López-Mimbela, J.A. Stability
of a nonlinear equation related to a spatially-inhomogeneous branching
Progress in Probability 65 (2011), 189-200.
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Murillo, A. Fluctuation
limit theorems for age-dependent critical binary branching systems, ESAIM: Proceedings 31
(2011), 55-72.
- Dozzi, M.; Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela,
J.A. Exponential
Functionals of Brownian Motion and Explosion
Times of a System of Semilinear SPDEs, Stochastic Analysis and Applications 31
(2013), 975-991.
- Dozzi, M.; Kolkovska, E.T.; López-Mimbela,
J.A. Finite-time
blowup and existence of global positive solutions of a semi-linear SPDE
with fractional noise, Modern Stochastics and
Applications. Korolyuk, V.; Limnios, N.; Mishura, Y.; Sakhno, L.; Shevchenko, G. (Eds.) Springer Optimization
and Its Applications 90, Springer Verlag
- López-Mimbela, J.A.; Pérez, A. Global
and nonglobal solutions of a system of nonautonomous semilinear
equations with ultracontractive Lévy generators. 2014.
- Álvarez, A.; López-Mimbela, J.A.; Privault,
N. Asymptotic
behavior of a family of semilinear SPDEs with
time-dependent coefficients. 2014.
Volumes and Proceedings
- Proceedings
of the 30th Nation-Wide Congress of Mexican Mathematical Society (jointly with M.
Neumann, M. Rzedowski and M. Shapiro).
- Modelos Estocásticos II (jointly with D. Hernández
and R. Quezada). Aportaciones
Matemáticas Serie Investigación 16, Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, 2001.
- Proceeding
of the Fourth Symposium on Probability and Stochastic Processes (jointly with L.G. Gorostiza and J. León). Aportaciones
Matemáticas Serie Investigación 12, México 1996. ISBN:
- Guest Editor of the
journal Stochastic Models, Vol
22 (2006), Taylor and
- Sergio Alejandro Muñoz Muratalla, Poisson processes in
Euclidean spaces,
- Henri Pantí Trejo, Diffusion approximation
in population genetics and in risk theory, 2008.
- Yareli Morán
Acevedo, How many times and how long is the surplus negative?, 2012.
- Guillermo Elías Martínez Dibene, Fundamentals of SDEs and
an application to population genetics, 2013.
- Alberto
Contreras C., Diffusion limits of branching random fields, 1993.
- Alejandro Torres, Applications
of Markov processes to finite-time blowup of a class of semi-linear
- Marina Suárez Muñoz, Random measures in
locally compact spaces, 2006.
- Valentina Castellanos,
distribution of a bivariate Markov chain: application to a genetic model, 2006.
- Ma. Elena Hernández, Super-Brownian
motion: construction and asymptotic behavior, 2011.
- Gerardo Barrera Vargas, Rényi's
entropy function of weakly y-mixing
dynamical systems, and an application to the large deviations of
short-return times, 2011.
- Biviana Marcela Suárez, Existence of global and
non-global solutions of a semi-linear stochastic equation, 2012.
- Eugenio Guerrero Ruiz, Random
dynamical systems and their attractors, 2013.
- José Villa
Morales, Tanaka formula-type representations of the local times
of superprocesses, 2002.
- Aroldo Pérez Pérez, Explosive and global
positive solutions of semi-linear non-autonomous Cauchy problems, 2004.
- Antonio Murillo Salas, Limit theorems
for critical binary branching age-dependent particle systems with
heavy-tailed lifetimes, 2008.
- Santanu Chakraborty (PhD, Indian
Statistical Institute), 2004.
- Péter Kevei (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2011.