
Former students

PhD students

  1. Carlos Alberto Toro Arcila. Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing PhD of CINVESTAV-Saltillo. Thesis title: "Seguimiento de caminos visuales con cuadricópteros en entornos de interior: lidiando con obstáculos y pasajes estrechos". August 2024. Directors: G. Arechavaleta (CINVESTAV-Saltillo) and H. M. Becerra.

  2. Noe Guadalupe Aldana Murillo. Computer Science PhD of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Visually-guided humanoid walking pattern generation". March 2021. Directors: J. B. Hayet (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

  3. Edgar Daniel Martínez Rodríguez. Computer Science PhD of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Una estrategia de movimiento para exploración dirigida por un autómata activando controladores basados en retroalimentación". November 2018. Directors: R. Murrieta-Cid (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

Master students

  1. Mónica Anahí Rodríguez Ortíz. Robotics Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Chain flocking: Multi-agent navigation in unknown environments with local measurements". August 2024. Directors: H. M. Becerra and R. Murrieta-Cid (CIMAT).

  2. Edgar Iván Chávez Aparicio. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Formation control through image-based visual servoing". December 2023. Directors: H. M. Becerra and J. B. Hayet (CIMAT).

  3. David Leonardo Ramírez Parada. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Formation control of drones using only bearings computed from vision". December 2023. Director: H. M. Becerra.

  4. Myrna Citlali Castillo Silva. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Detección de obstáculos con visión monocular para el control de robots humanoides". February 2022. Directors: J. B. Hayet (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

  5. Salim Vargas Hernández. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Distributed Model Predictive Control for formation of quadrotors". January 2021. Directors: H. M. Becerra and J. B. Hayet (CIMAT).

  6. Carlos A. Toro Arcila. Robotics and Advanced Manufacturing Master of CINVESTAV-Saltillo. Thesis title: "Seguimiento de rutas visuales con un cuadricóptero en entornos de interior". August 2020. Directors: G. Arechavaleta (CINVESTAV-Saltillo) and H. M. Becerra.

  7. J. Bernardo Martínez Morales. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Seguimiento en formación con evasión de obstáculos para sistemas de múltiples agentes no holónomos". December 2019. Directors: H. M. Becerra and D. Gómez-Gutiérrez (Intel Labs-GDL).

  8. Particia M. Tavares Ramírez. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Vision-based formation control for unmanned aerial vehicles". January 2019. Directors: J. B. Hayet (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

  9. J. Armando Colunga Ramírez. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Predefined-time convergence control of multi-agent systems". October 2018. Director: H. M. Becerra.

  10. Ricardo A. Raya Ortega. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Robot navigation in crowds using Quadrilateral Velocity Obstacles (QVO)". December 2017. Directors: J. B. Hayet (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

  11. Salvador Botello Aceves. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Concurrent design optimization of kinematically complex mechanisms". November 2016. Directors: I. Valdés (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

  12. Emmanuel Ovalle Magallanes. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Generación de una memoria visual para la navegación autónoma de un robot humanoide". November 2016. Directors: H. M. Becerra and J.B. Hayet (CIMAT).

  13. J. Eduardo Machado Martínez. Applied Mathematics Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Modelación y control de un robot bípedo". December 2014. Directors: H. M. Becerra and Mónica Moreno (CIMAT).

  14. O. Salvador Torres Muñoz. Optomechatronics Master of CIO. Thesis title: "Implementación de un control visual para robots móviles con ruedas". October 2014. Directors: J. A. Guerrero (CIO), H. M. Becerra and J.B. Hayet (CIMAT).

  15. Noé G. Aldama Murillo. Optomechatronics Master of CIO. Thesis title: "Localización de robots humanoides basada en apariencia a partir de una memoria visual". October 2014. Directors: J. A. Guerrero (CIO), H. M. Becerra and J.B. Hayet (CIMAT).

  16. J. David Jacobo Guillén. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Visual feedback-based time-optimal motion strategies for capturing an unpredictable evader". November 2013. Directors: H. M. Becerra and R. Murrieta (CIMAT).

  17. Guillermo J. Laguna Mosqueda. Computer Science Master of CIMAT. Thesis title: "Exploration of an unknown environment with a differential drive disc robot". October 2013. Directors: R. Murrieta (CIMAT) and H. M. Becerra.

Undergraduate students

Current students

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