Publications of H. M.
R. Aldana-López, D. Gómez-Gutiérrez, M. A. Trujillo, M. Navarro-Gutiérrez, J. Ruiz-León and H. M. Becerra, "A predefined-time first-order exact differentiator based on time-varying gains", Int. Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 31, No. 11, pages 5510--5522, July 2021. Preprint
Book chapters and book
L. A. Pineda, L. E. Sucar, J. Savage, A. Aceves, H. M. Becerra, G. Fuentes, M. A. Morales, H. Ortega, C. Rascón, A. Rodríguez, "Capítulo 4 - Robótica de Servicio,”
La Computación en México por especialidades académicas, Academia Mexicana de Computación, pages 127--165, 2017. pdf
Noé G. Aldana-Murrillo,
Jean-Bernard Hayet and Héctor M. Becerra, "Evaluation of local descriptors for vision-based
localization of humanoid robots,”
Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 9116, Proc. of 7th Mexican Conference on Pattern
Recognition (MCPR'15), J. A.
Carrasco-Ochoa et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pages 179--189,
2015. pdf
H. M. Becerra, J. B. Hayet
and C Sagüés, “Virtual target formulation for singularity-free visual
control using the trifocal tensor,” Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 7914, Proc. of 5th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition
(MCPR'13), J. A. Carrasco-Ochoa
et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, pages 30--39, 2013. pdf
Collaboration in “Libro
Blanco del Control Automático,” Comité Español de Automática,
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España, June,
E. Estrada, H. M. Becerra and C. Segura,
"Optimization of walking control of a biped robot using differential evolution", IEEE Latin-American Conference on Computational
Intelligence (LA-CCI'18) , pages 1--7, Guadalajara,
México, November 2018. pdf
G. Arechavaleta, J. Obregón, H. M. Becerra and A. Morales, "Predefined-time convergence in task-based inverse dynamics using time base generators",
IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON’18), pages 443--449, Guadalajara,
México, June 2018. pdf
A. Colunga, C. R. Vázquez, H. M. Becerra and D. Gómez-Gutiérrez, "Predefined-time consensus using a time base generator (TBG)",
IFAC Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON’18), pages 246--253, Guadalajara,
México, June 2018. pdf
J. Delfín, H. M. Becerra and G. Arechavaleta, "Humanoid localization and navigation using a visual
memory", IEEE/RAS International
Conference on Humanoid Robots (ICHR'16), pages 725--731, Cancún,
México, November 2016. pdf
S. Botello-Aceves, S. I. Valdez and H. M. Becerra,
"Concurrent design
optimization of the Delta manipulator", IEEE Latin-American Conference on Computational
Intelligence (LA-CCI'16) , pages 1--6, Cartagena de Indias,
Colombia, November 2016. pdf
H. M. Becerra, J. A. Colunga and J. G. Romero, "Robust
trajectory tracking controllers for pose-regulation of wheeled mobile
robots", IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'16), pages
1041--1047, Daejeon, Korea, October 2016. pdf
J. E. Machado, H. M. Becerra and M. Moreno, "Control de
un robot bípedo de 7 vínculos usando un algoritmo twisting", Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático
(CLCA'14), pages 892--898, Cancún, México, Octubre de 2014. pdf
J. Delfín, G. Arechavaleta and H. M. Becerra, "Locomoción
humanoide basada en estrategias de control servo visual", Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático
(CLCA'14), pages 438--444, Cancún, México, Octubre de 2014. pdf
G. Laguna, R.
Murrieta-Cid, H. M. Becerra, R. Lopez-Padilla and S. M. LaValle, "Exploration of an unknown environment with a differential
drive disc robot", IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA'14), pages 2527--2533, Hong Kong, China, June
H. M.
Becerra, J. Courbon, Y. Mezouar and C. Sagüés, “Wheeled
mobile robots navigation from a visual memory using wide field of view
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
(IROS'10), pages 5693--5699, Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010. pdf
E. Sanchez, H. M. Becerra
and C.M. Velez, “Combining fuzzy and PID control for an unmanned
helicopter,” North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
Annual Conference (NAFIPS'05), pages 235--240, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, June
Workshops and
G. López-Nicolás, H. M. Becerra, M. Aranda, and C. Sagüés,
“Visual navigation by means of three view geometry,” Workshop Robot 2011, Sevilla, Spain,
November 2011. pdf
H. M. Becerra, G. López-Nicolás and
C. Sagüés, “Weakly-calibrated visual
control of mobile robots using the trifocal tensor and central
cameras,” Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots
(ViCoMoR), in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS'11), pages 27--32, San Francisco, CA, Sept.
2011. pdf
Artículos en
congresos nacionales y de divulgación
H. M. Becerra, M. A. Trujillo, D. Gómez-Gutiérrez y J. Ruiz-León, “Algunos resultados de control distribuido de múltiples robots,” Komputer Sapiens, Sociedad Mexicana de Inteligencia Artificial, Mexico, págs. 68--72, Mayo 2022. pdf
M. A. Trujillo, D. Gómez-Gutiérrez, M. Defoort, J. Ruiz-León and H. M. Becerra, “Observer-based leader-follower consensus
tracking with fixed-time convergence,” Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE), Mexico City, Mexico, pages 1--6, November 2020. pdf
C. R.
Vázquez, R. O. Domínguez y H. M. Becerra, “Maestría en Ingeniería
Mecatrónica en línea y profesionalizante,” XIII Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería
Electromecánica y de Sistemas (CNIES), IPN-Zacatenco, México,
D.F., págs. 1--6, Noviembre de 2012.
H. M.
Becerra, “Avances recientes en el control de robots móviles usando
visión artificial,” XII Semana
Nacional de Investigación Científica, CUSur, Universidad de
Guadalajara, Ciudad Guzmán, Jalisco, Noviembre de
Sanchez, H. M. Becerra and C.M. Velez, “Combining fuzzy, PID and regulation control for an
unmanned helicopter,” International Seminar on Computational
pages 18--31, Mexico City, Mexico, October
H. M. Becerra, PhD
Thesis, “Unifying vision and control for mobile robots,” Department of Computer Science and Systems
Engineering, University of
Zaragoza, Spain, April 2011. pdf
H. M.
Becerra, Master
Thesis,“Intelligent hybrid control of an autonomous
mini-helicopter (in spanish),” Center
for Research and Advance Studies, CINVESTAV Guadalajara, Mexico, September
2005. pdf