/* ButtonApplet1 is a simple applet that demonstrates how to position 3 buttons diagonally via resize(), move(), and reshape(). Note that a LayoutManager is NOT used in this example. */ import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class ButtonApplet1 extends Applet { Button testButton1; Button testButton2; Button testButton3; public void init() { setBackground(Color.pink); setLayout(null); // No LayoutManager int width = size().width; // applet width int height = size().height; // applet height testButton1 = new Button("one"); testButton2 = new Button("two"); testButton3 = new Button("three"); add(testButton1); add(testButton2); add(testButton3); testButton1.resize(width / 3, height / 3); testButton1.move(0, 0); testButton2.reshape(width / 3, height / 3, width / 3, height / 3); testButton3.reshape(2 * width / 3, 2 * height / 3, width / 3, height / 3); } }