Java Programming Course - Sample Applets

The following Java applets are taken from Bob Fay's Java Programming Course. These examples are designed to demonstrate fundamental Java concepts and techniques. Please note that several of these examples need modifications in order to conform to the newer releases of Java (JDK 1.1 and JDK 1.2).

Example 33

HelloWorldApplet -- an very simple applet.
view source code  run the applet

Example 34

ColorHelloApplet -- Demonstrates simple use of Font and Color classes.
view source code  run the applet

Example 35

HTMLParmsApplet -- Demonstrates how to retrieve HTML parms.
view source code  run the applet with parms run the applet without parms

Example 36

GraphicsTest -- Demonstrates how to draw all kinds of shapes.
view source code  run the applet

Example 37

MouseDown1 -- Simple Applet to demonstrate mouseDown() method.
view source code  run the applet

Example 38

MouseDown2 -- Drawing a circle in response to a mousedown event.
view source code  run the applet

Example 39

MouseDown3 -- Overriding the update() method.
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Example 40

DrawBox -- Draw a "rubberband" box via mouse drags.
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Example 41

Keys -- Type a key and move with arrow keys.
view source code  run the applet

Example 42

ButtonActionTest1 -- How to add buttons an respond to button clicks.
view source code  run the applet

Example 43

ChoiceTest -- How to add a choice component and respond to choice selections.
view source code  run the applet

Example 44

CheckboxTest -- How to add a checkbox component and respond to checkbox selections.
view source code  run the applet

Example 45

RadioButtonTest -- How to add radiobutton components and respond to radionbutton selections.
view source code  run the applet

Example 46

ButtonApplet1 -- Positioning components without a Layout manager.
view source code  run the applet

Example 47

ButtonApplet2 -- Positioning components with the flowlayout manager.
view source code  run the applet

Example 48

ButtonApplet3 -- Positioning components with the borderlayout manager.
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Example 49

ButtonApplet4 -- Positioning components with the gridlayout manager. radionbutton selections.
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Example 50

ButtonApplet5 -- Using nested panels and several layout managers.
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Example 51

ListTest -- How to add a listbox component and respond to checkbox selections.
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Example 52

TextTest -- How to add TextArea and TextField component and respond to selections.
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Example 53

ColorScroll -- How to add scrollbar component and respond to scrollbar events.
view source code  run the applet

Example 72

Bounce1 -- How to animate a bouncing ball (with flicker!)
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Example 73

Bounce2 -- How to animate a bouncing ball (using offscreen buffering to remove flicker!)
view source code  run the applet

Example 74

Bounce3 -- How to animate a bouncing ball (with a mouse interface to leave trails!!!)
view source code  run the applet

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