Home page of Gil Bor
- Mailing Address: CIMAT, A.P. 402, Guanajuato 36000, Gto., Mexico.
- Office: I-307, CIMAT. (52)-473-7327155, ext. 4500.
- E-mail: gil@cimat.mx
Research |
Lecture notes and talks |
Gallery (images and animations) |
Education |
Vita |
Amusement |
CIMAT: Main |Biblioteca |
Directorio |
DEMAT-UG: página nueva/vieja
- SO(3)-invariant Yang-Mills fields which are not self-dual (with R Montegomery)
In: Hamiltonian systems, transformation groups and spectral transform methods (Montreal, PQ, 1989), 191--198, Univ. of Montréal, Montréal QC, 1990. Harnad, J., Marsden,
J.E. (eds.). Montréal: Les publications CRM 1990.
- Yang-Mills Fields which are not Self-Dual
Commun. Math. Phys. 145 (1992), 393-410.
- Symmetric Instantons and the ADHM Construction (with J Segert)
Commun. Math. Phys. 183 (1997), 183-203.
- The cannonical bundle of an hermitian manifold (with L Hernández)
Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. (3) 5.1 (1999), 187-198.
- Bochner formulae for orthogonal
G-structures on compact manifolds (with L Hernández)
Diff. Geom. Appl. 15 (2001), 265-286.
- A Bochner formula for almost-quaternionic-Hermitian
structures (with
L Hernández)
Differential Geom. Appl. 21.1 (2004), 79-92.
- Orthogonal almost complex structures of minimal energy (with
L Hernández, M Salvai)
Geom. Dedicata 127.1 (2007), 75-85.
- G2 and the 'rolling distribution' (with
R Montgomery)
Enseign. Math. 55 (2009), 157-196.
- Poincaré y el problema de N-cuerpos (with R Montgomery)
Miscelánea Mat. 58 (2014), 83-102.
- The dancing metric, G2-symmetry and projective rolling
(with L Hernández, P Nurowski)
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370(6) (2018), 4433-4481.
- Tire track geometry and integrable curve evolution (with M Levi, R Perline, S Tabachnikov)
Int. Math. Res. Not. (2018), DOI
- Testing the Domino Theory of Gene Loss in Buchnera aphidicola: The Relevance of Epistatic Interactions (with D Martínez-Cano, A Moya, L Delaye)
Life 8.2 (2018), 17.
- Hill's equation, tire tracks and rolling cones (with M Levi)
Nonlinearity, 33.4 (2020), 1424.
- La geometría de trayectorias de bicicletas (with S Tabachnikov)
Ciencias 135 (2020).
- On the isometric conjecture of Banach (with L Hernández, V Jimenez de Santiago, L Montejano)
Geom. Topol. 25.5 (2021), 2621-2642. DOI
- Bicycle paths, elasticae and sub-Riemannian geometry (with A Ardentov, E Le Donne, R Montgomery, Y Sachkov)
Nonlinearity 34.7 (2021), 4661-4683. DOI
- Left-invariant CR structures on 3-dimensional Lie groups (with H Jacobowitz)
Complex Anal. Synerg. 7, 23 (2021).
- Variations on the Tait-Kneser theorem (with C Jackman and S Tabachnikov)
Math. Intelligencer (2021). DOI
- Para-Kähler-Einstein 4-manifolds and non-integrable twistor distributions (with O Makhmali, P Nurowski)
Geom. Dedicata 216, 9 (2022). DOI
- Revisiting Kepler: new symmetries of an old problem (with C Jackman)
Arnold J. of Math., 12 Sept 2022 (online).
- Self-Backlund curves in centroaffine geometry and Lamé's equation
(with M Bialy and S Tabachnikov)
Comm. AMS 2 (2022), 232-282
- On cusps of caustics by reflection: a billiard variation on Jacobi's Last Geometric Statement (with S Tabachnikov)
Amer. Math. Monthly (21 March, 2023, online). DOI.
- Bicycling geodesics are Kirchhoff rods (with C Jackman and S Tabachnikov)
Nonlinearity 36 (2023), 3572-3602. DOI
- Dancing polygons, rolling balls and the Cartan-Engel distribution (with L Hernández)
New York J. Math. 29 (2023) 981-1015.
- Chains of path geometries on surfaces: theory and examples (with T Willse)
Israel J. Math., TBD (2024), 1-39. DOI
- Cusps of caustics by reflection in ellipses
(with M Spivakovsky and S Tabachnikov)
J. London Math. Soc. 2 (2024), 110:e70033. DOI
- Bicycle tracks with hyperbolic monodromy - results and conjectures
(with L Hernández and S Tabachnikov)
ArXive preprint (2024)
- Two notes I wrote for a Seiberg-Witten seminar we had in Cimat
some time ago: spin1.dvi and
Lecture notes on Number Theory I wrote for the "Taller de Ciencia
para Jóvenes"
- A note for highschool workshops about congruences
PRIMES AND POWERS - notes for an elementry lecture on number
theory (Hendrik Lenstra, 1993).
- Lecture notes on the
3 body problem
(Richard Montgomery, 8-10 may 1997).
- The geometry of partial
diffrential eqns (a.k.a, Cartan's method of
equivalence, Robert Bryant gave here on).
- Lecture notes + video for
Simon Donaldson visit to CIMAT, 2004
- Videos for talks of Meir Buzaglo visit to CIMAT, 2008
- Notes for a Functional Analysis Course (Mohammad Jabbari, 2021)
- A list of popular science talks I offer
- Video lectures
- Rolling of projective planes with G2-symmetry June 4, 2015
Integrability in Mechanics and Geometry: Theory and Computations, CIRM,
Jun 1 - 5, 2015
- Bicycle mathematics in 3D, June 13, 2016
Integrability and Near-Integrability in Mechanics and Geometry, Oaxaca, 12-17 june, 2016.
- Bicycling Mathematics in 2 and 3 dimensions, Nov 15, 2016
Adolfofest, Merida.
- Geometria de Trayectorias de Bicicleta, Oct 25, 2018
510 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana, Villahermosa, 2018.
Dancing pairs, rolling balls and the Cartan distribution, June 21, 2022
Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems 2022, Tel Aviv University, June 20-24, 2022.
- Graduate/Posgrado::
- Mecánica
Clásica, agto-dic 1994.
- topologia I, agto-dic 1995
- topologia I, agto-dic 1996
- topologia II, ene-jun 1997
- Geometria
ene-jun 1998
- Variable Compleja I,
ene-jun 1999
- Teoría de
Representaciones, ene-jun 2001
- Grupos de Lie, agsto-dic 2007
- Teoría de
Representaciones, ene-jun 2008
- Mini-curso de introduccion a grupos de Lie, 6-8 dic, 2010
- Teoria de Morse, ago-dic, 2012
- Topolog'ia de variedades diferenciales, ene-jun, 2013
- Teoría de
Representaciones, ago-dic 2013
- Fibrados, conexiones y clases caracteristicas: ene-jun 2014.
- Algebra Moderna: ago-dic 2019.
- Teoría de representaciones de grupos de Lie: ene-jun 2020.
- Differential geometry of plane curves -- Selected topics: March-April 2024.
- Variable compleja: ago-dic 2024.
- Variable compleja: ene-mayo 2025.
- Undergraduate/Licenciatura:
- General
- Mecánica
Clásica, escuela de verano, jul 1999
- Algebra Superior,
ago-dic 1999
- Seminario de
Problemas e Investigacion, ene-jul 2000
- Mecánica Clásica,
ago-dic 2000
- Probabilidad y
Estadística, ene-abr 2001
- Mecánica
Clásica, escuela de verano, agosto 2001
- teoria de numeros , agsto-dic 2001
- teoria de conjuntos y logica matematica, agsto-dic 2002
- algebra lineal 1, ene-mayo 2003
- algebra lineal 1, agsto-dic 2003
- algebra lineal 2, ene-mayo
- teoria de numeros, taller de calculo, julio 2005
- calculo 3, agsto-dic 2005
- calculo 4, feb-jun 2006
- teoria de numeros, taller de calculo, julio 2006
- calculo 3, agsto-dic 2006
- calculo 4, feb-jun 2007
- matematicas elementales y elementos de geometria, aug-dic 2008
- algebra lineal 1, ene-mayo 2009
- algebra lineal 2, ago-dic 2009
- matematicas elementales y elementos de geometria, ene-jun 2010
- algebra moderna 2, ago-dic 2010
- algebra lineal 1, ene-mayo 2011
- calculo 3, agsto-dic 2011
- calculo 3, agsto-dic 2014
- Geometría de curvas, oct 2014: Notas
- Matemáticas elementales, ago-dic 2017
- Topologia diferencial, ago-dic 2020
- Elementos de geometría, ago-dic 2021
- Geometría diferencial de curvas en el plano, 5-9 jun 2023
- Pre-university
- Ciencia para Jóvenes
Science workshops for highschool students that I started in the
summer of 1997, then extended also for primary and middle schools
- 1997: 2 math workshops for middle school (secundaria) kids: Guanajuato ,
Dolores Hidalgo .
- 1997: VIBA
a workshop for highschool (preparatoria) kids
from rural areas of the state of Guanjuato
- 2000: Proyecto Post-Primaria de CONAFE
Workshops for teachers
of middle schools ("post-primaria") in rural areas of the state of
- 2005: Fisica 3
An ordinary physics class in a local hi-school (la preparatoria Oficial de
la UG)
- 2005: Chiapas
A visit to the state of Chiapas with science lectures and workshops
- 2006: semana de la ciencia en Chiapas
Summer science workshops for hischool students in the the state of Chiapas, similar to the ones in Cimat
- Cursos de matemáticas en el CIMAT para alumnos de bachillerato
A program I started in 2011 for high school students interested in taking their regular math classes in CIMAT. I taught a course of this program in almost all semestres.
- Geometría Analítica (5to sem), ago-dic 2011
- Cálculo en el CIMAT (6o sem), ene-jun 2012
- Cálculo en el CIMAT (5to sem), ago-dic 2012
- Cálculo integral (6to sem), ene-jun 2013
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2013
- Álgebra II (2do sem), ene-jun 2014
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2014
- Álgebra II (2do sem), ene-jun 2015
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2015
- Álgebra II (2do sem), ene-jun 2016
- Geometría y trigonometría (3er sem), ago-dic 2016
- Geometría Analítica (4to sem), ene-jun 2017
- Geometría y trigonometría (3er sem), ago-dic 2017
- Geometría Analítica (4to sem), ene-jun 2018
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2018
- Algebra II (2ndo sem), ene-jun 2019
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2019
- Algebra II (2ndo sem), ene-jun 2020
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2020
- Álgebra I (1er sem), ago-dic 2022
- Álgebra II (2ndo sem), ene-jun 2023
- Cálculo diferencial (5to sem), ago-dic 2024
- Cálculo integral (6to sem), ene-jun 2025
- Short:
- 1957: born, Israel.
- 1983: B.A., Math+Physics, Hebrew U., Jerusalem.
- 1985: M.A, Math, Hebrew U., Jerusalem.
- 1991: Ph.D. , Univ. of California, Berkeley ("Yang Mills Fields
which are not self-dual").
- 1991-4: Post-doc, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson.
- 1994-present: CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico.
- Citizenship: Mexico, Israel.
- Math interests: differential geometry, mathematical physics
- Other interests: woodworking, music, ...
- Full
- Beautiful science lectures
- Solar Graph for Guanajuato
Things in Java.
- Immunoglobulin (animated jif, about 250K). Some kind of protein, I think. Dowloaded from http://www.umass.edu/microbio/rasmol/.
- imrot shefer (also this)
- some view
- special html symbols;
more symbols
- Latex math symbols (PDF)
- A woodworkers puzzle, The solution
- An optical effect (needs Windows. Click
on the icon and stare on the center of the screen for 30
seconds. Then look at yr hand on the mouse. Dont scream).
- an annoying optical ilussion.
- Rotation (to stop the rotation
look at a single point for a while). More here, or
- Elephant
- A yidish parrot,
- Another parrot joke,
- Anecdote: English, spanish
- Nothing
- Incompetent design
- on teaching
math to kids,
- A topological puzzle | solution
- Tokyo water park,
- World Map
- Condi + George
- Transverse Mercator Calculator (also a spanish version)
- Sudoku:1, 2
- Scott Kim
- scale
- Grucho }8-)>
- El Orito (si este no funcina intente aqui)
- Woodwork
- Science
- Health
- Politics
Bye :-)