I am a Secihti
(former CONAHCYT, CONACYT) Research fellow in Mathematics at
CIMAT, in the City of Guanajuato, Mexico, since may 2019. I belong
to the CIMAT's Commutative
Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Academic Cluster.
I studied at the Institut de
Mathématiques de Jussieu (now Institut
de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche) of the Pierre
and Marie Curie University (also known as UPMC, Paris 6, and now Sorbonne
University) from 2008 to 2015, under the joint direction of
Brugallé and Jean-Jacques Risler.
My PhD thesis (Tropical
intersection theory, and real inflection points of real
algebraic curves) can be downloaded from here.
I made a visit to the Vietnam
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM) in
Hanoi, Vietnam, from 1st october to 29 december 2024.

French connection
My connection to the French research environment can be
tracked with my scanR profile page. |
Areas of interest
- Algebraic and Analytic (non-Archimedean)
- Algebraic Geometry: [AEGZ], [BBG], [CDG+], [EFG], [CG24]
- Real Algebraic: [BCG], [CG19], [BBG]
- Tropical Algebraic: [BCG]
- non-Archimedean Algebraic: [BCG]
- Combinatorics.
- Matroids (Coxeter, infinite): [AEGZ], [ABFG+], [EFG],
- Tropical mathematics: [AGT], [FGH+20], [FGH+23], [CGL],
[BFGN], [ABFG+], [EFG]
- Ordered structures: [CGL], [BFGN], [BFGN], [BG]
- Algebraic and tropical methods to solve algebraic
differential equations.
- Differential and Tropical Differential Algebraic Geometry:
[AGT], [FGH+20], [FGH+23], [CGL], [BFGN], [ABFG+]
- Geometry of Algebraic Structures Close to Commutative Rings:
- Enumerative and Inflection phenomena in Real Algebraic
Geometry: [BCG], [CG19], [BBG], [CDG+]
Right now I am very interested in the third subject. You can find
a comprehensive introduction to the state of the art on the
subject in our recent preprint Exploring tropical differential equations,
which grew up from the previous friendly introduction that can be
found here. (first version : march 2020)
More details on some of my ongoing research projects are
available in my Research Gate site.
- Geometry of algebraic structures close to commutative rings. Details.
- Algebraic and tropical methods to solve algebraic differential
Currently an external participant in the Project "Existence
of rational solutions in the Busemann-von Karman-Tsien
boundary layer", directed by Carla Valencia. IBERO University, Mexico
City. Details.
Journal articles
- [AGT] F. Aroca, C. Garay
and Z. Toghani, The fundamental theorem of tropical
differential algebraic geometry. Pacific Journal of
Mathematics Vol. 283 (2016), No. 2, 257-270.
- [BCG] I Biswas, E
Cotterill and C. Garay, Real inflection points of real
hyperelliptic curves. Transactions of the American
Mathematical Society 372 (2019), no. 7, 4805-4827.
- [CG19] E. Cotterill and C. Garay, Real inflection points of real linear
series on an elliptic curve. Experimental
Mathematics Volume 31, Issue 2, 506-517 (Taylor & Francis,
- [CG20] E. Cotterill and C. Garay, Inflection divisors of linear series on an
elliptic curve. Matemática Contemporânea, Vol. 47
(2020), 73-81. Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry and
- [FGH+23] S Falkensteiner,
C. Garay, M Haiech, et. al., On Initials and the Fundamental Theorem of
Tropical Partial Differential Geometry. Journal of
Symbolic Computation, Volume 115, March–April 2023, Pages 53-73
(Elsevier, 2023), ISSN 0747-7171,
- [CGL] E. Cotterill, C. Garay and J. Luviano, Exploring tropical differential equations.
Advances in Geometry (de Gruyter 2023).
- [AEGZ] P. L. del Angel, E. J. Elizondo, C. Garay, F.
Zaldívar. On T-invariant subvarieties of symplectic
Grassmannians and representability of rank 2 symplectic
matroids over C. Journal of Algebra, Volume 640,
2024, 300-325, ISSN 0021-8693,
- [BFGN] Bossinger, L., Falkensteiner, S., Garay-López,
C. et al. Tropical initial degeneration for systems of
algebraic differential equations. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex. 31,
15 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40590-024-00693-6
Proceedings articles
- [FGH+20] S Falkensteiner,
C Garay-López, M Haiech, et. al. The Fundamental Theorem of Tropical
Partial Differential Algebraic Geometry, In
Proceedings of the 45th International Symposium on Symbolic and
Algebraic Computation (ISSAC '20). Association for Computing
Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 178-185.
- [EFG] E. J. Elizondo, A. Fink and C. Garay, Matroids
and the space of torus-invariant subvarieties of the
Grassmannian with given homology class. Journal of Pure
and Applied Algebra (JPAA). arXiv eprint: 2112.15334
- [CDG+] E. Cotterill, I. Darago, C. Garay, C. Han and T.
Shaska, Arithmetic inflection of superelliptic curves.
Michigan Mathematical Journal. arXiv eprint: 2110.04813
- [BBG] T. Blomme, E. Brugallé and C. Garay. Bitangents
of real algebraic curves: signed count and constructions.
eprint: 2402.03993
- [ABFG+] F. Aroca, L. Bossinger, S. Falkensteiner, C.
Garay, et.al. Infinite matroids in tropical differential
algebra. arXiv
eprint: 2305.04784.
- [BG] F. Baril and C. Garay, Tropicalization of
Schemes and Sheaves. arXiv eprint: 2304.04872.
- [CG24] E. Cotterill and C. Garay, Matroids and
semirings attached to toric singularity arrangements. arXiv
eprint: 2403.15942
index of my preprints available on arXiv is here. One more index of (different) material
available on Archive Ouverte HAL (in french) is here.
Expository pieces
- C. Garay, Introducción a las ecuaciones diferenciales
tropicales. Mixba'al, Revista Metropolitana de
Matemáticas. Vol.13, No.1 (2022), p.p 11-28.
DOI: www.doi.org/10.24275/uami/dcbi/mix/v13n1/cgaray
In preparation
- Matroids over a scheme. Joint with A. Fink and L. Moci.
01/25 to 05/25 |
01/24 to 05/24 |
- Álgebra Conmutativa. CIMAT.
- Álgebra Conmutativa. Universidad de Guanajuato.
08/23 to 12/23 |
- Matemáticas discretas (Algebraic combinatorics).
Universidad de Guanajuato.
01/23 to 05/23 |
- Métodos Combinatorios en Geometría Enumerativa Real y
Compleja (O). Posgrado UNAM.
- Algebraic Geometry. Universidad de Guanajuato.
08/22 to 12/22 |
01/22 to 05/22 |
- Introducción a la Geometría Algebraica no Arquimedeana
y Tropical (O). Posgrado UNAM.
Temario y más información
- Calculus II. Universidad de Guanajuato.
01/21 to 05/21 |
08/20 to 12/20 |
01/20 to 05/20 |
- Rigid and tropical methods in Algebraic Geometry.
08/19 to 12/19 |
09/12 to 08/14 |
Current students
BSc |
- Crisanto Salazar (UAS, Sinaloa).
MSc |
- Saul Aranda (CIMAT, Guanajuato),
- Jesús Morales Simons (CIMAT, Guanajuato)
PhD |
Tutorial committee |
- Oscar Castañon (PhD, IM-UNAM Cuernavaca)
- Ruby Lizbeth Almazán Calzada (PhD, FC-UNAM)
- Alonso Andapia (BSc. UIA CDMX)
Moniteur |
- Luis Quijano (MsC. CIMAT Guanajuato)
Past students and
Click here to access some
resources for students
- Otto Romero (Conacyt, joint with Manuel González Villa, CIMAT
Guanajuato). October 2021-Present
- July 2025. ISSAC 2025, CIMAT Guanajuato.
Past events
Past visitors
Friends and collaborators |
Conference co-organization friends |
- José Cano
- Gilberto Calvillo
- Gleb Pogudin
- Luis Núñez
(O) Means Online participation. (H)
Means Hybrid participation. Default is "in person".