Jose Luis León Medina, CIMAT, 2022- .

Bernardo Villarreal Herrera, CIMAT, 2022- .

Mario Fuentes Rumí, CIMAT, 2023.

Bárbara Mayela Gutiérrez Mejía, CIMAT, 2017.



Gabriel Longatto Clemente (in co-supervisión with Fabio Ferrari), in progress, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.

Víctor Antonio Torres Castillo (co-supervised with Jérôme Scherer), 2023, CIMAT.
Thesis: Biset functors and the homotopy type of the classifying spectra of saturated fusion systems.

Juan Omar Gómez Rodríguez, 2023, CIMAT.
Thesis: On the Picard group of the stable module category for infinite groups.

Alffer Gustavo Hernández Posada (co-supervised with Fabio Ferrari), 2022, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil.
Thesis: Twisted Borel K-theory and isomorphisms between differential models of K-theory.


Gustavo Navarrete Novelo (co-supervised with J. Matías Navarro), 2022, UADY.
Thesis: T-duality in equivariant K-theory. (In Spanish)

Ángel Rolando Jiménez Cruz (co-supervised with J. Matías Navarro), 2019, UADY.
Thesis: Invariants of configuration spaces of commuting elements. (In Spanish)

Arfaxard Sánchez Estrella (co-supervised with Javier A. Díaz), 2017, UADY.
Thesis: Transfer maps for finite transporter categories. (In Spanish)

Margarita Angélica Martínez López (co-supervised with Herbert Kanarek), 2016, CIMAT.
Thesis: Homological invariants of EI categories.


Raúl David Gorocica Polanco, in progress, UADY.

José María Castilla Cochegrus, in progress, UADY.

Víctor Adrián Meza Campa, 2024, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
Thesis: The group ring and Kaplansky's conjectures. (In Spanish)

Paul Quispe Cutipa, (co-supervised with Richard M. Mamani), 2024, Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa, Perú.
Thesis: Smith theory and an introduction to Casacuberta-Dicks' conjecture.

Jorge Eduardo Gaspar Lara, 2020, UNAM.
Thesis: K-theory and fusion-invariant representations. (In Spanish)
Winner of the 2021 Sotero Prieto Award.

Antonio González Fernández (co-supervised with J. Efrén Pérez), 2016, UADY.
Thesis: Fusion systems for groups, actions and representations. (In Spanish)

Joseph Victor (co-supervised with Gunnar Carlsson), 2013, Stanford University.
Thesis: Stable homotopy groups of spheres and the Hopf invariant one problem.
Winner of an Undergraduate Research Award 2013 of the department of mathematics of Stanford University.