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I Annual Meeting of CIMAT Mérida's Topology Group: Contacts and Connections.
December 12th-13th (2024), at CIMAT Mérida and Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Co-organizer: Gabriel Longatto.

CIMAT-Mérida Applied Topology School.
November 7th-12th (2024), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizers: José Carlos Gómez Larrañaga, José Luis León, Kathryn Lindsey and Bernardo Villarreal.
Some of the lectures can be watched here.

Summer School in Algebraic Topology 2024.
July 15th-19th (2024), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizers: Julie Bergner, Mike Hill, Jose Luis León and Bernardo Villarreal.

Meeting of mathematics graduate programs UADY-CIMAT-UJAT 2024.
June 20th-21st (2024), at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Co-organizers: Gamaliel Blé, Carlos Brito, Francisco J. Hernández, Ricardo Legarda and J. Matías Navarro.

Meeting CIMAT Mérida - Universidad Marista.
April 18th (2024), at Universidad Marista de Mérida.
Co-organizer: Manuel Rodríguez Achach.

Spring School at CIMAT Mérida.
April 8th-12th (2024) at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizer: Adolfo Sánchez Valenzuela.

Meeting of mathematics graduate programs UADY-CIMAT 2023.
June 13th (2023), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizers: Francisco J. Hernández, Ricardo Legarda, Anabel Martín and J. Matías Navarro.

Special session Groups and Topology of the II Joint meeting RSME-UMA.
December 12th-16th (2022), in Ronda (Spain).
Co-organizers: Antonio Díaz and Kevin Piterman.

New trends in Algebra, Geometry and Homotopy Theory, a conference in honor of Alejandro Adem's 60th birthday.
November 28th-December 2nd (2022), in Mérida.
Co-organizers: Omar Antolín, José Manuel Gómez, Daniel Juan, Ernesto Lupercio, Bernardo Uribe and Ben Williams.

CIMAT-UADY Topology Meeting.
October 4th-6th (2022), at Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
Co-organizer: Juan Pablo Navarrete.

Astronomy is Always Interesting, an outreach conference.
May 20th (2022), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizer: J. Efrén Pérez.

Algebraic and geometric topology session of the Virtual National Meeting 2020. The general programme can be found here.
October 12th-23rd (2020), online.
Co-organizer: Rita Jiménez.

2019 Summer School at CIMAT Mérida.
July 8th-12th (2019), at CIMAT Mérida.

Session "Algebra and Topology" of the Jornadas de Topología 2019.
May 1st-3rd (2019), at Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango.
Co-organizers: Omar Antolín, Iván Sánchez.

CIMPA School Noncommutative Geometry and Index Theory.
December 3rd-15th (2018), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizers: Noé Bárcenas, Paulo Carrillo.

Thematic session "Algebraic Topology" in the Meeting of mathematical societies of Colombia and Mexico.
May 30th-June 2nd (2018), at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia).
Co-organizer: Mario Velásquez.

Winter School on Algebraic Topology 2017.
October 2nd-6th (2017), at CIMAT Mérida.
Co-organizer: Mike Hill.

Special session Cohomology of Groups of the Mathematical Congress of the Americas 2017.
July 24th-28th (2017), at McGill University, Montreal (Canada).
Co-organizers: Eric Friedlander and Ben Williams.

Algebraic Topology session of the XLIX National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society. The schedule for the session can be found here.
October 23rd-28th (2016), at Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes.
Co-organizer: Rita Jiménez.

Meeting on Topological K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry.
February 10th-12th (2016), in Mérida.
Co-organizer: Noé Bárcenas.

Algebraic Topology session of the XLVIII National Congress of the Mexican Mathematical Society. The schedule for the session can be found here.
October 18th-23rd (2015), at Universidad de Sonora.
Co-organizer: Rita Jiménez.

MSRI summer school on algebraic topology.
June 30th-July 11th (2014), at CIMAT.
Co-organizer: Mike Hill.
Some of the lectures can be watched here.