You can download the pdf version of my resume; here
Summary of Qualifications
- Proficient in image processing and computer vision algorithm development including segmentation, filtering, object detection, object recognition, and object tracking
- Broad technical knowledge obtained through pursuing PhD degree in Computing Science, two Master degrees in Computer Science and Quality, Reliability and Operations Research
(QROR) as well as 8 years of research experience in image processing and 2 years of work experience in statistical data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition and image processing
- Effective report and technical writing skills achieved by publishing 15 research papers in international conferences (ACCV, ICIP, ICASSP, ICVGIP etc.) and journals (Pattern Recognition,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters) in the area of image processing as well as winning three research proposals
- Excellent communication skills developed by working effectively with a diverse range of professionals, students and successful handling of multidisciplinary projects
- Strong time management gained by pursuing graduate study, industrial internship, volunteering activities as well as maintaining healthy family life simultaneously
- Good public speaking skills accomplished by delivering lectures in the international conferences, presenting tutorials to the university students working as a TA as well as to junior school students
- PhD in Computing Science, 2006-2011.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- Thesis: "The Evolution of Snake toward Automation for Multiple Blob-Object Detection".
- Master of Technology in Computer Science, 2004-2006.
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
- Score: 77%. First Division with Honours
- Dissertation: "A Regression based Approach for Leukocyte Cell Tracking" .
- Relevant courses: Programming language, Discrete Mathematics,
Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Operating System, Software Engineering, Automata, Compiler, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing,
Advance Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Database Management System,Computer Architecture, Neural Networks and application and Document Processing and Retrieval.
- Master of Technology in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research, 2002-2004.
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
- Score: 76%. First Division with Distinction
- Dissertation:"Advanced Statistical Analysis for Software Effort Estimation".
- Relevant courses: Statistical Quality Control, Probability, Statistics, Reliability, Operations Research and Industrial
Engineering & Management.
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, 1998-2002.
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
- Final Year Project:"Smulation of a Gear Box Design Using 3D Studio Max".
Industry Experience
- AQL Management Consulting Inc., Edmonton, Canada, May - December, 2010 and May - August, 2009.
- Developed an autonomous passenger counting system for LRT (Light Railway Transit) governed by City of Edmonton.
- Built an automated tool to analyze chickens behavior monitoring.
- Early disease detection of flocks using infrared imaging.
- Automatic assessment of feather cover of laying hens by infrared thermography.
- Cognizant Technology Solutions, Kolkata, India, May - July, 2005.
- Developed a game theory based Economic Modelling of Optimal Bidding in one client, multiple vendors scenario in a win-win condition.
- Usha Martin Limited, Kolkata, India, June - July, 2004.
- Developed Software tool to facilitate Supply Chain Management System.
- ITC Infotech India Limited, Bangalore, India, March - June, 2004.
Conducted several statistical software quality projects including
- A Bayesian approach to evaluate methodology followed to establish baselines of build Efforts on the basis of SAC (Simple/Average/Complex) methodology.
- Developed software defect management system.
- Robert Bosch India Limited, Bangalore, India, May - July, 2003.
Conducted several statistical data analysis & operations research projects including
- Estimated the efforts required to fix the number of bugs reported by the customer.
- Developed methodology for managing project schedule whenever it overruns.
- Conducted statistical analysis of Customer Survey Data and Developing a novel methodology
for measuring Customer satisfaction index.
Research Experience
- Department of Radiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA , December, 2011-present.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- White matter lesion segmentation from brain MRI for Diabetes.
- Three way (Alzheimer, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Cognitively Normal) classification for Alzheimer Disease Detection from brain MRI.
- Prediction of brain age from pediatric brain MRI.
- Applied machine learning tools on automatic detection of tumor from brain MRI.
- Centre for Intelligent Mining Systems, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada, September - October 2011.
Research Assistant
- Online Detection of Missing Teeth of the Crusher through Space-Time Super-Resolution Technique.
- Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada , September, 2006 - August, 2011.
Research Assistant
- Developed novel techniques to automatically compute oil sand particle size distribution at various stages of oil sand fragmentation process that facilitate
(a) to measure screen efficiency; (b) to evaluate crusher performance; and (c) to improve performance of the surface mining process.
- Detected Brain Tumor and Edema from T1C and T2 modalities of brain MRI quickly which facilitate indexing of the MRI databases based on tumor size, shape and so on;
this indexing helps medical practitioner to diagnose the disease and consequently improves brain cancer treatment.
- Automatic detection and velocity measurement of leukocyte: an important measure in the study of inflammation.
- Obtained thorough Knowledge of image processing, robotics especially visual slam, graph algorithm, numerical methods, machine learning and robotics from course work taught by notable teachers.
- Department of Computer Science, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, 2005 - 2006.
Research Assistant
- Developed novel methods for the automatic detection and counting of rolling leukocytes of a vivo (mouse) cremaster muscle which is imperative in the study of inflammation as well as in the design of anti-/pro-inflammatory drugs.
Teaching Experience
- Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Canada , September, 2006 - April, 2011
Teaching Assistant
- Obtained Teaching Knowledge on Numerical Analysis and Programming Language from TA work.
- Presented tutorials and lab sessions as a Teaching Assistant for four semesters; Developed communication skills by conducting course seminars, lab tutorials and office hour consultation.
Volunteering Experience
- Reviewer: Obtained detailed knowledge of cutting edge image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning tools and methods by serving in various notable peer-reviewed
international conferences and journals as a reviewer.
- Public Speaker: Enriched communication, management and public speaking skills by delivering lecture regarding Indian culture and life at several junior schools in Edmonton
through University of Alberta Outreach Program.
- Fitness room volunteer: Maintained regular schedule for physical exercise by volunteering in the community fitness center.
Technical Skills
- Proficient (used on a daily basis for large projects): C/C++,
MATLAB & Mex and LaTeX.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Carolina, USA, 2011 - 2013.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Mayo Clinic, Arizona, USA, 2011 - 2013.
- Mitacs Industrial Internship Award, AQL Management Consulting Inc., Edmonton,Canada, 2009 - 2010.
- Teaching and Research Assistantship, University of Alberta, Edmonton,Canada, 2006 - 2011.
- Mary Louise Imrie and J. Gordin Kaplan Graduate Sudent Travel Award, University of Alberta, Edmonton,Canada, 2007.
- Industrial Internship Award, ITC Infotech India Limited, Bangalore,India, 2004.
- Industrial Internship Award, Robert Bosch India Limited, Bangalore,India, 2004.
- Obtained scholarship by Indian Statistical Institute for Master of Technology in
Computer Science during 2004-2006 as well as Master of Technology in Quality, Reliability & Operations Research during 2002-2004.